Where Did Zodiac Signs Come From?

Where Did Zodiac Signs Come From?

Where did Zodiac signs come from? Horoscope websites may promise a prediction based on your Zodiac sign, but keep in mind that it doesn’t depend on the movement of the stars. Zodiac signs came about because of the Earth’s movement that aligns with the stars. Where did...
Is Astrology Reliable?

Is Astrology Reliable?

Is astrology reliable? Over the years, there have been evidences that show correlations between the events of cosmos and the events happening here on earth. But if astrology can influence these circumstances, then it should be susceptible to statistical study. Is...
Is Astrology a Science?

Is Astrology a Science?

Is astrology a science? With various divination systems out there, it is quite hard to define the borderline between astrology and science. However, the best part is that both fields more or less talk about the same thing – how celestial bodies can influence our...
The Four Elements of Western Astrology

The Four Elements of Western Astrology

The traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese and Bon and Hindu Astrology deals with Five elements namely; Fire, Air, Water, Earth and Void whereas Western Astrology follows the four classical elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. We shall be looking deeper into...

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