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Where did Zodiac signs come from? Horoscope websites may promise a prediction based on your Zodiac sign, but keep in mind that it doesn’t depend on the movement of the stars. Zodiac signs came about because of the Earth’s movement that aligns with the stars. Where did Zodiac signs come from? People forget that the reason why stars appear like they are moving at night over the course of the year is not because the stars itself is rotating. It’s because our planet rotates on its axis and also revolves around the Sun. But before this scientific or astronomical fact was established, people spend a lot of time wondering what was happening in the cosmos. In this article, you’ll learn where did Zodiac signs come from?   

Where did Zodiac signs come from: Cosmos and Predictions

Where did Zodiac signs come from? Astrology is considered more as a divination field and not science. It aims to look for answers through predictions and signs based on the movements of celestial bodies. Humans throughout the years can’t help but looked up to the stars to plan their lives.

For instance, during the time of the ancient Egyptians, farmers used the skies as a calendar. Obviously, this is to aid them in growing crops but since an exact calendar is not yet developed, they used the help of the stars. Around the middle of July, the rising of the Dog Star known as Sirius was their marker that it’s the season of flooding because of the Nile River. For travelers up until today, they still use the sky as a compass. Back then, the stars guides travelers on their journey so that they won’t get lost. Lots of people also look up to the sky as a source of hope.

Who Came Up With This?

The question is, who was the first one to look up at the sky, and concluded that celestial bodies up in the sky is somehow influencing the events happening here on Earth including that of an individual’s fate? Exactly who came up with this thinking and how astrology came about is a mystery. However, astronomers and historians may have a clue about how it became popular until today despite of advances in technology.

Where did Zodiac signs come from? The stars and the zodiac signs are just one of the many things that people over the years have turned to for advice and answers. According to NASA astronomer, Sten Odenwald, there’s no trace of who first came up with the idea of looking at things in nature and connecting it as if it truly influences the lives of humans. There is however some indication from a cave art that people believe in the idea that animals and things are imbued with a spirit that can influence anyone or anything. What’s interesting is that there are some forms of astrology that’s also used in different belief systems across many ancient cultures.

Ancient Cultures

Where did Zodiac signs come from? For instance, in ancient China, a noblemen started looking at the eclipses. He used this phenomenon to predict the good and bad times for their emperor but it’s also thought that the signs are not applicable to other people.

Another example is during the time of the Babylonians and Sumerians. Around the middle of the 2nd millennium B.C., these two civilizations used various divination practices. One of which is that they look at the spots on the liver of an animal. Another example is known as The Venus Tablet of Ammisaduqa. This is a form of divination tool where they keep track of the stars and planets to keep track of where the gods are in the sky. The Venus Tablet of Ammisaduqa is one of the earliest divination systems known as the Babylonian Planetary Omens. It can be traced back to the 1st millennium B.C.

Egypt and Greece

The ancient Egyptians also contributed something to astrology. They look at the patterns of stars that are made up of constellations where the Sun appears to move at certain times throughout the year. These ideas came from Alexander the Great who conquered Egypt in 330 B.C.

Odenwald added that there must have been a lot of exchange back then that made the Greeks come up with their own divination system that uses planets. And naturally since they are into logic and math, they eventually developed rules on how this could work.

Where did Zodiac signs come from: 12 Star Signs

Where did Zodiac signs come from? According to historians, it was during the time of the Ancient Greeks that the twelve signs of the zodiac came about which many people are familiar with today. Here are the 12 Star Signs and the corresponding birth dates:

  • Aries (roughly March 21-April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20-May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21-June 20)
  • Cancer (June 21-July 22)
  • Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
  • Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
  • Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
  • Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
  • Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
  • Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
  • Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
  • Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)


Where did Zodiac signs come from? The name of the zodiac signs came from the names of the constellations. It was then matched with dates based on the relationship between the placement in the Sun and the sky. The Ancient Babylonians had divided it into twelve around 1500 B.C. It boasts similar names of constellations that most people are familiar with today including The Lion, The Scales, The Great Twins etc. All of these were later included and adapted in Greek divination systems.  Ancient astronomer and author of Tetrabiblos, Ptolemy, helped popularize the zodiac signs. His book became a cornerstone in the history of Western astrology. We hope in this article, you learned where did Zodiac signs come from?

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