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How to grow a Wiccan garden? If you want to become a witch, it’s important that you know how to cultivate the higher power around you. One of the best ways to do that is by spending time in nature. You can easily DIY your way to an enchanting garden right at your home. How to grow a Wiccan garden? Whether you live in a house or a tiny apartment, you can grow a witch’s garden. All you need is a bit of earth, some natural light, and a willing spirit! In this article, you’ll learn how to grow a Wiccan garden?

Magical Garden

How to grow a Wiccan garden? Growing, observing, and working with plants is a pretty witchy thing to do. But this is essential because being with nature and connecting with it is something magical. And you can also learn something about herbs and its powers.

From planning, to planting, to growing, and harvesting, your magical garden will provide thousands of hours of peace and enjoyment. Don’t worry because this is applicable even if you don’t have that “green thumb,” you at least have that magic touch and that’s all you need!

How to grow a Wiccan garden? Here are some magical tips to help bring you an amazing connection to nature!

Tip #1

How to grow a Wiccan garden? The first thing you need to do is to first immerse yourself with nature. You can learn some powerful lessons and fill yourself with a sense of calm through spending time outdoors because this will give you the opportunity to see the beauty and magic, and carry these vibes home with you to your garden.

Tip #2

Make sure to take note of which types of plants grow naturally in your region. It’s best to take a plant identification book with you so that you can identify plants. You can easily buy one online or from a bookstore. Find out whether these native plants have any culinary, magical or medicinal properties. This will give you a good idea of what plants you want to grow in your own garden.

Tip #3

How to grow a Wiccan garden? Once you’ve done that prior homework, you can now start planning your own garden.  Witches before used the winter months to plan and prepare for the growing season. You might consider making planning you magical garden part of your Imbolc tradition.

If it’s your first time gardening, make sure to start small and keep learning. You can get ideas on how to set up your own witchy garden online or on Youtube.

Tip #4

How to grow a Wiccan garden? You may want to visualize the garden and imagine how everything will look like once it’s done. Then proceed on making plans for how you will do it. Keep in mind that if you have big plans it could take quite some time before finishing it. You can also make notes about the area you will keep your garden in. Figure out how big you want it to be, how many plants you want, the soil and sun and everything in between to ensure that your plants will grow. Different areas of your garden location will have different access to light throughout the year.

It’s also best to take some trips to your local garden and ask around. You will surely get some good tips on how to garden in your area.

Tip #5

How to grow a Wiccan garden? When it comes to picking out the best plants, it can sometimes be hard especially if you’re a beginner. If you’re new to gardening you will probably want to choose easy-to-grow plants. Here are some ideal plants you can try: 


Magical Properties:

  • harmony in the home
  • soothing unhappy feelings
  • blending energies to find compromise
  • good luck
  • wealth
  • love



Magical Properties:

  • divination
  • seeing clearly
  • understanding new information
  • protections
  • cleansing
  • banishing ghosts
  • physical vitality
  • wishes


Magical Properties

  • good health
  • cleansing
  • protection
  • keeping love near


Magical Properties

  • long life
  • preservation of hearth and home
  • job protection
  • cultivating opportunities

Lemon Verbena

Magical Properties

  • love
  • personal strength
  • attracting passion
  • banishing nightmares
  • cleansing sacred spaces


Magical Properties

  • Love
  • Protection
  • Health
  • Happiness
  • Strength
  • Wealth


Magical Properties

  • Money
  • Safety in travel
  • Love
  • Cleansing
  • Concentration and focus
  • Stress relief


Magical Properties

  • Money
  • Love
  • Lust
  • Good health
  • Protection
  • Happiness


Magical Properties

  • Growth
  • Cleansing
  • Protection against accidents


Magical Properties

  • Love
  • Protection
  • Cleansing
  • mental clarity
  • lust
  • healing
  • sleep
  • stress relief
  • youthfulness


Magical Properties

  • Wisdom
  • Wishes
  • Knowledge
  • Strength
  • long life
  • spiritual cleansing


Magical Properties

  • learn secrets
  • answer questions
  • general knowing
  • mental clarity
  • love


Magical Properties

  • harmony in the home
  • protection
  • cleansing


Magical Properties

  • Courage
  • long life
  • health
  • healing issues
  • cleansing
  • love
  • dream magic
  • sleep
  • gaining knowledge

Tip #6

How to grow a Wiccan garden? Once you’ve chosen the plants you’d like and have some idea on how you want it to look, then it’s time to get into some specifics. You need to think about plant height and diameter, whether the plants will need support like a trellis to grow up, the amount of sun, soil etc.

Keep in mind that plants from the greenhouse normally come with a tag that explains light, temperature, and water requirements. You can also find these from seed packets. Try to follow it but adjust depending on your area.

Tip #7

When trying a new plant in your garden, keep it planted in a pot to start. The purpose of this is to know how it will grow within your garden space and how it might affect other plants. If you find a location that it seems to thrive, transplant it into the soil. You can always move it later if you need to.

How the Moon Cycle Affects Your Garden

How to grow a Wiccan garden? Many witches out there take advantage of the moon cycles when it comes to setting up their gardens. The lunar month is the period from New Moon to New Moon and this last for about a month. You can easily divide it into four new phases: New Moon to First Quarter, First Quarter to Full Moon, Full Moon to Third Quarter, Third Quarter to New Moon. Here are some tips on how you can plan your planting!

New Moon to First Quarter

This is the best time to plant crops for plants that doesn’t contain seeds—lettuce, cabbage, most herbs. These types of plants finish their growth cycle in a single season.

First Quarter to Full Moon

You can plant herbs that contain seeds—peas, beans, fruits, grain crops and herbs you grow only to collect seeds during this time

Full Moon to Third Quarter

Anything that bears the part you plant to use below ground can be planted during this time such as roots, tubers and bulbs. You might also want to consider pruning and harvesting at this time.

Third Quarter to New Moon

The best time for weeding, harvesting, drying, canning and preserving. Don’t plant during this period.

Moon Gardening

How to grow a Wiccan garden? In addition to the tips above, you can also divide the moon phases into two halves: the time when the moon is growing from dark to fully illuminated or the waxing phases, and the waning phases during which the moon shrinks back to dark.

Waxing vs. Waning

The best time to cast spells is when the moon is waxing. This will help attract prosperity and abundance in your garden. While it is waning, plan to do magic to protect it and remove negative vibes.

How to grow a Wiccan garden? Make sure that while you are planting in your garden that you are conversing with your plants. It has been proven several times that plants which receive positive words of encouragement, grow more productively than plants that do not.

While plants can’t respond to us in a typical human conversation, they are wise and communicate in their own “plant way.” Try talking to them every day as if they are your friend and ensure them that they will be taken care of. 

A Time to Reap, A Time to Sow!

How to grow a Wiccan garden? Whenever you harvest from your garden, try to do so under the moonlight. This will insure your produce has not withered. Keep in mind though that yous should only do this if it is safe for you to go out at night.

You can also leave a watering can full of water out overnight to charge it with the moons energy if you don’t want to harvest at nighttime. Make sure to share your harvest so that you make room for new growth and more abundance in the future!

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