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What are runic poems? The rune of Hagalaz is linked to hail, sleet, and also icy conditions or winter. It’s also related to an herb known as bryony. What are runic poems? Heimdall, is the name of the god that’s associated with this rune. He is a watcher god and someone who is the gatekeeper of the bridge leading to the underworld. In this article, you’ll learn what are runic poems?

What Are Runic Poems: Rune of Hagalaz

What are runic poems? Drawing the rune of Hagalaz may denote that there’s some form of disruption, unforeseen events, and other elemental forces that could cause something to be delayed. It indicates that some unexpected things will occur or in a sudden manner, and that nothing can be done because it is out of one’s control or influences. Therefore, this can be a chance for an individual learn or grow from whatever experience change will bring into their lives as it is sometimes necessary.

Rune of the Gambler

Also known as the rune of the gambler, Hagalaz may also denote that things might not turn out as planned but it can somehow mean that risks could be taken. In numerology, the Hagalaz rune is strongly linked with the number 9. And since this rune is related to winter, it brings a promise that whatever will happen is only temporary, and that it could bring forth the foundation to better things or spring time.

Runic Poem Meanings

What are runic poems? Anglo – Saxon runic poem in relation to Hagalaz: ‘Hagal is the whitest of grain, it is whirled from the vault ofheaven and tossed about by gusts of wind and then melts into water.’ Norwegian runic poem in relation to Hagalaz: ‘Hagall is the coldest of grains; Christ created the primaeval world.’ The Icelandic runic poem in relation to Hagalaz:  ‘Hagall is cold grain and driving sleet and sickness of serpents.’

The Hagalaz rune may denote accidents if it’s drawn in reverse but for some rune masters they believe that there’s no meaning if it is laid in a reverse position.

Rune of Nauthiz

The Nauthiz rune is linked with a god known as Skuld, goddess Nott, and also Argonauts. Drawing the rune of Nauthiz suggests that one should think before doing anything.

It also suggests that before making any decisions, one must know thyself and be clear of the reason why one will do such things; clarity of mind at this point is not at its best which is why the rune might be suggesting to take the time to really make any life – changing decisions especially if it’s something related to a job or money.

The rune of Nauthiz also denotes that relationships could be strained at this point, and emotions could run high. It is best to understand one’s limitations and become more patient when handling things. Such limitation doesn’t only mean restrictions but perhaps boundaries. Do remember that things could change but plans shouldn’t be totally abandoned.

Being aware of oneself will help a person to not do anything they will later regret because it can also affect other people especially members of the family. This rune is also use when a person is seeking protection from mental illness or psychic attacks.

Runic Poem Meanings

What are runic poems? Anglo – Saxon runic poem in relation to Nauthiz: ‘Nyd is oppressive to the heart, yet often it proves a source of help and salvation to the children of men who heed it betimes.’ Norwegian runic poem in relation to Nauthiz: ‘Naudr leaves little choice; naked man is chilled by frost.’ The Icelandic runic poem in relation to Nauthiz: ‘Naud is distress of slave and state of oppression and hard labour.’

If it is drawn in reverse denotes that a certain risk is taken but the result of it may still be unknown. It may also indicate feelings stress, tensions, or frustrations. Avoid ‘get rich quick schemes’ if this rune is drawn in reverse.

The Rune of Isa

The rune of Isa is associated with a god called Verdandi, and it’s strongly ice, and since ice is solidified water, it will eventually return to water but of course it will take some time. Therefore this rune denotes that patience is needed at this time.

It could also denote that there could be some emotional cooling especially in a relationship both romantic and in business. It could also denote separation or a pause in a relationship. However, this could also mean that the situation is only short – lived. The rune of isa in numerology is also linked with the number 7. 

This can also mean that the money being expected will be delayed or completely not come at all. It also suggests that instead of pushing for a solution, it might be best to just leave it be because things will move naturally and it could also be an opportunity to have a change of plans.

Don’t worry though because it also gives hope that just like how the ice will eventually melt, a situation may also eventually improve but of course it will take some time, which is why it’s advisable to be patient, and learn to enjoy the process. 


Runic Poem Meanings

What are runic poems? Anglo – Saxon runic poem in relation to Isa: ‘Is is very cold and immeasurably slippery, it glistens clear as glass and is most like to gems. It is a floor wrought by the frost, a fair sight.’ heed it betimes.’ Norwegian runic poem in relation to Isa: ‘Is we call broad bridge: blind man must be led.’ The Icelandic runic poem in relation to Isa: ‘Iss is bark of rivers and roof of wave and destruction for doomed men.’

According to rune masters, drawing the rune of Isa in reverse position doesn’t have any meaning since if the symbol is laid in reverse it still looks the same. Some people however suggest that the reverse rune can mean immobility or may denote a physical problem that will hinder a person to move from one place to another.

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