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How to create a magical kitchen? If you plan to use your kitchen as your main mode of witchcraft then you should start thinking of it as something like your sacred space. How to create a magical kitchen? Of course not everyone can do this so adjust accordingly. In this article, you’ll learn how to create a magical kitchen?

Creating Your Magical Kitchen

How to create a magical kitchen? Make sure to take a moment if this is a place where you want the magic to happen. The kitchen is usually overlooked and underappreciated but this could be a nice place for you. While you probably can’t treat your kitchen as an altar all the time, there are a few things you can do to transform this room into a sacred space.

Get Rid of Energy Imbalances

How to create a magical kitchen? The kitchen is usually a place where sunlight is scarce and it can also collect negative energies. The old kitchenware and appliances doesn’t help either. This is especially true if you live in a rental place where lots of unwanted energies have already build up in your kitchen.

Eventually you’ll have to scrub the kitchen top to bottom, but if you don’t have time before your next meal and want to start something magical, here’s how you can get rid of some unwanted energies:


How to create a magical kitchen? When it comes to de – cluttering your kitchen make sure to put away anything on visible surfaces. You can also remove any visual chaos.


You can use a broom to sweep crumbs, and get rid of stagnant energy. You should also consider having a dedicated broom for your kitchen though this is optional.

Smoke Cleansing

How to create a magical kitchen? If you want to do a total cleansing, you can burn sage, lavender or rosemary, or a combination of these purifying herbs.

Open Windows

How to create a magical kitchen? Make sure that there are some ventilation and open windows to allow the energy to flow away. Make sure to also get into the habit of using your kitchen whenever you are doing some magical cooking. Always wash your dishes before you start cooking the next meal. It’s also best that you do a general cleaning to thoroughly clean the area.

Clean the appliances, crevices and also furniture. Make sure to mop the floor, and clean also the windows, doors and kitchen ware. Obviously, you don’t need to do all of this at once. Try to work on it every time you get the chance so that you can add to its magic.

Magical Kitchen Decorations

How to create a magical kitchen? Keep in mind that since the kitchen is where all sorts of activities happen, yours can’t be purely sacred. What you can do is create a mini-altar inside so you can have a sacred corner in this area. This could be on a visible surface or in a dedicated cabinet.

You can include decorations like candles, statues, and paintings. You can also keep your cauldron here including other magical tools for easy access. It’s also best to add some crystals or runes that have some meaning to you.


Amethyst works best as a stress reliever while Red Jasper can help boost the energy in the area. You can also try Citrine for positivity and abundance. Potted plants can also be a kitchen altar if you have space especially edible plants and herbs. Many plants are not only decorative but provide a magical aura.

How to create a magical kitchen? Keep in mind that your kitchen should be a symbol of abundance and growth. You need to maintain positive and harmonious vibrations and you can add some charms in the area like hang charms for protection or good luck. Try also burning incense; use dried herbs and keep non – refrigerated produce in hanging baskets or bowls,

Magical Tools

How to create a magical kitchen? The good thing about a kitchen is that it’s already equipped with tools that can help you create that magic. The tools you can use for prepping and cooking should be treated just like any other magical tool you possess. Here are some tools you can use:


How to create a magical kitchen? Below are some cookwares you need to prep the food. It can be things where you store your ingredients after chopping it and before cooking it. These materials can be used to prepare your food. It could be what you use to measure the proportions of ingredients. Plastic and aluminum are not ideal for used in kitchen magic. It’s best to use wood, ceramic or glass.


How to create a magical kitchen? Your oven is where magic happens! This is the tool that can transform food into something edible. It can be heated with gas or electricity. It’s best to avoid microwaves for magical cooking.


We all know that the cauldron gets a bad rep because most of us imagine witches cooking something evil using a cauldron. A cauldron is use for spells where I need to burn something or mix things together. There is however a modern version of a traditional cauldron. It’s much more efficient and less “witchy.” 

Mortar and Pestle

This tool can help you grind certain ingredients. You place your ingredients in the mortar and rub the pestle along the surface of the mortar—which has ribs on it—to crush and grind the herbs or nuts. You can also opt to use a blender or electric grinder when crushing some herbs. Or if you don’t have one, then just buy your herbs pre-ground. If you want the full experience though, using a mortar and pestle can be fun. 


How to create a magical kitchen? This is the place you keep your magical herbs whether it’s in a designated room off the kitchen or just a couple of cabinets. You can also mix them in with all the other goods you have. Store your food properly as well to avoid ants and dust.

Kitchen Utensils

These are the things you cook and eat with: knives, spoons and ladles, forks, spatulas, whisks, etc. Hopefully, you are familiar with these.

Food Magic

Set your intention

How to create a magical kitchen? Make sure to do this before prepping the meals. For bigger changes you may need more than one meal. Make sure to also select foods and ingredients that are suitable for your intention.

Select your food

Just because something has the magical association you are looking for doesn’t mean you should force yourself to eat something you dislike. Make sure that you also choose healthy foods.Don’t let magic lead you toward an unbalanced diet of junk food.

Imagination is key!

How to create a magical kitchen? As you are prepare the ingredients by chopping, peeling, and heating, visualize yourself in the life where your intention has manifested. Continue visualizing your life where your intention has manifested. Visualize the energy of the food transforming within you into your magical purpose.

Be Patient

Magic manifests gradually and naturally. Your magical purpose will likely not transform overnight.

Magical Cooking Tips

Tip #1

How to create a magical kitchen? Make sure you’re in a positive mood when working your culinary, magic. You are, after all, the most important player when it comes to the vibrational energy of the meal.

Tip #2

Meditate, cleanse yourself, listen to music or perform another self care ritual before you begin cooking.

Tip #3

Be sure your intention is clear while you work in the kitchen so that your food is imbued with the magical essence you look to create.

Tip #4

Share your magical intention for the food with anyone who is sharing the meal with you. Be prepared to only charge your portion if they are not interested in magical food.

Tip #5

Incorporate kitchen witchery into your practice most easily at the Sabbats. If you are already celebrating with a special meal or potluck with friends, try making something magical and seasonal.

Tip #6

How to create a magical kitchen? Remember that it’s not always necessary to look it up. Spicy food is generally protective, citrusy food is generally purifying, sweet food is generally loving. Do what feels right to you.

Tip #7

Consider starting a magical food diet that fuels your intention with foods that have similar energies. Check with a doctor or nutritionist before making drastic changes to your diet.


How to create a magical kitchen? Cooking and magic have a lot in common. Both create something new by combining specific ingredients and both are meant to improve the overall well-being of the creator. Best of all—no matter how long you’ve been practicing each—there’s always more to learn: new tricks, techniques and combinations. Give yourself time to practice and experiment, and learn from your successes and mistakes.

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