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How can I become a Wiccan? The most widely-known witchcraft-based religion (at least in the western world) is Wicca, and it was officially recognized by the United States in early 90s. However, witchcraft comes in many different forms and types of witchcraft. How can I become a Wiccan? Some of those who practice call themselves witches, and even among them, there are different types of witches. Some of the common religions that relates to witchcraft include: Ceremonial Magick, Chaos Magician, Discordian, Earth Religion, Neo-Pagan, Norse, Pagan, Reconstructionist, Santeria, Tameran, Voodoo, Witta, and many more. How can I become a Wiccan? In the past, witchcraft is more associated with harnessing ‘supernatural powers’, and they made a bad rep for practicing black magic. This makes sorcery, magic and witchcraft somewhat synonymous.

It’s Not a Magic Pill

How can I become a Wiccan? Wicca doesn’t work the way most people think or wish to work. Casting a spell is not some sort of using a “magic pill” that instantly takes all your problems away and gives you all the things you desire. Our general perception of spell-casting is so skewed, thanks to Harry Potter. In general, magic in our world truly exist, just not in the fantastic-movies kind of way. As said earlier, there are many cultures, religions, ideas and schools of thoughts that prefer magical practices. The same goes to spell-casting. Spell is viewed by witches as an art form through invoking the supernatural using ceremonies, spells, rituals, charms, etc. Spell-casting is about manipulating energy to bring out the desired result.

Witchcraft and Magic

How can I become a Wiccan? Witchcraft and magic are undeniably dangerous. However, so is crossing the street, driving, swimming in the ocean, etc. Anything can be dangerous. What you should know, and what should many people need to know is that, Witchcraft is NOT synonymous to Satanism. Though some witches worship Satan, NOT all witches believe in evil, Satan or even hell. Satan is a creation of Christian deity. Thus, witchcraft belief systems that don’t adhere with Christianity don’t believe in demons. Rather, their deities are’ immanent’, meaning they’re present within each human, making each person a deity.

The Wiccan religion for example, doesn’t accept the existence of good or evil. Rather, they see them as forces that need to be balanced. Evil is an important part of good, and it can be transformed into something positive. Modern witches today rejects the existence of absolute truth and supports neo-tolerance. They advocate matriarchy, women’s rights, sexual freedom, and even abortion. Also, some Wiccans observe Wiccan holidays such as Winter Solstice, Halloween, etc.

The Wiccan Transformation

How can I become a Wiccan? Contrary to what many people believe, becoming a witch doesn’t necessarily need spells. Yes you read it right; you don’t need specific spells to become a witch. There’s no magic spell that will automatically turn you into a witch, rather, you become a witch through performing witchcraft.

Rather than looking for particular spells to transform yourself into a witch, all you need to do is to practice even the easiest of spells. It’s like this – we learn to cook by knowing what recipe to cook, either from someone we know, through cook book, or articles online or in magazines. The same goes with witchcraft. Life however, is far from Harry Potter movies, and much like being a good cook, you need to put in time and effort to learn more about your craft and practice on a regular basis.

Magic Traditions

How can I become a Wiccan? Casting spells has its roots from Wiccan religion. But actually, you don’t have to be a Wiccan to become a witch. Wiccans may practice witchcraft and can cast spells. But the Wiccan religion is embedded through the idea of spiritual beliefs. And you don’t need to have these beliefs in order to cast spells yourself.

So, how many spells do you need to know and be able to perform before you can call yourself a witch? Well, there’s no definite answer for that question. After all, you don’t require someone to know a certain number of food and recipes before he can be called a cook. The better question is: “how effective are your spells?” If you’re good with your spells, then you can definitely call yourself a witch.

Of course, this goes without saying that you have to be truthful in answering the question. If you simply delude yourself into thinking that your spells are really effective, but know that things even without your spell, then you can’t consider that as a success.

Though there is no one central school for witchcraft, there are many ideologies and philosophies that centers in witchcraft. This means there are different magic traditions and philosophies that can help you shape your witchcraft. The most obvious is the Wiccan tradition. There’s also Druidism and Neo-paganism. There are also esoteric and regional witchcraft, such as Fari, Pharmakkos, Santeria, Strengheria, etc., and secular witchcraft, which means unaffiliated with any philosophy, belief system, religion, etc.

In Summary

How can I become a Wiccan? The bottom line is, there are NO spells to become a witch, and there is no instant way to become one. Forget about the broomstick, messy hair, witch hat, and cheesy incantations. Being a witch is something you can learn by practicing it. Also, there are no hard and fast rules in becoming a witch. Each person may travel different paths; it’s a personal journey, a personal and complex practice. Of course, it helps if you practice Wiccan beliefs, and you know the deep knowledge of the natural world, how it relates and connects with the spiritual world, and the different methods of folk magic.

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